VSIA "Piejūras slimnīca"
Description: Piejūras slimnīca is a certificated health care institution which provides specialized outpatient and stationary services in oncology, hematology and psychiatry for the inhabitants of Kurzeme Region. Piejūras slimnīca was developed in the Aug 29, 2005, by combining VSIA “Liepājas Onkoloģijas slimnīca” and VAS “Liepājas psihoneiroloģiskā slimnīca”.
Organisation type: Public equivalent bodies
Organisation’s work area: Kurzeme
Organisation’s thematic objectives: Social inclusion
Phone number: 29468757
E-mail: lps@lps.gov.lv
Address: Jūrmalas iela 2, Liepāja, LV-3401
Website: https://piejurasslimnica.lv/