Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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22 July 2016
What is the aim of this specific objective?
The aim of this specific objective is to promote social inclusion of vulnerable groups[1] through improvement of social infrastructure and accessibility and efficiency of social services by establishment of social networks and partnerships between responsible institutions and local stakeholders.
[1]Vulnerable group – a population that has some specific characteristics creating a higher risk of falling into poverty or social exclusion than others living in areas targeted by a project
Availability of ERDF funding?
Available ERDF funding for this specific objective is 6.7 mln EUR.
Maximum ERDF funding per one project – 800 000 EUR.
What kind of activities will be funded (indicative list)?
Please note that applicants are free to develop their own project ideas, as long as they address one Programme priority, its specific objective and at least one result indicator and one output indicator of the chosen specific objective.
What are the expected results?
Social inclusion of vulnerable groups enhanced, increasing their labour market participation and reducing inequalities in terms of educational goals. Increased cost-effectiveness and sustainability of social care.
How the results of the projects will be measured?
Each project under this specific objective has to address Programme result indicator mentioned below and at least one of output indicators from the list stated below.
Specific objective 3.1. | Result indicator | Output indicators |
To improve accessibility and efficiency of social services | Number of people benefiting from more accessible, efficient social inclusion measures and social services | – Created/improved social services and infrastructure
– Created/improved social inclusion measures |
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10