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08 December 2017
A total amount of maximum 18 673 300 euros is allocated for 48 cooperation projects covering all four Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014 – 2020 priorities. These projects were selected out of 123 project applications that were submitted for the 2nd call for proposals in spring of 2017.
In the priority 1 for supporting cooperation for sustainable and clean environment competition among projects was the highest: out of 52 submitted projects 14 the best ones were selected. The total allocated sum for these projects is 7.25 million euros.
New joint tourism routes and other cross-border activities will be developed by five tourism projects Semigalia by Bicycle, ViVa, CIRCUIT, 4SeasonsParks, Learn Eco Travel. 2.51 million euros were allocated under specific objective No. 1.1 for these tourism projects that aim to improve cultural and natural heritage objects, products and services so that the number of tourists coming to the cross-border region would increase.
Protection of such common natural resources as wetlands ecosystems and stocks of lamprey fish will be implemented in projects Open landscape and Lamprey. Project ENGRAVE will promote concept of green infrastructure application in cross-border region, while Latvian and Lithuanian firefighter services will cooperate to fight together against natural and man-caused disasters in project called EMERG_TECH. The allocated funding for these projects under specific objective 1.2 is 1.62 million euros.
In the area for regenerating of public areas with environmental problems all five submitted projects (BrownReg, Trans-form, LandCLEAN, Clean brownfields and Silute-Saldus PUAR) were approved. Thus 3.12 million euros are allocated under the specific objective No. 1.3. It has to be noted that during the 1st call for proposals no projects were approved for this specific objective.
In the priority 2 for the support of labor mobility and employment in the programme territory in total six cooperation projects are selected with the allocated sum of around 1.27 million euros.
Project Business of Future will create employment opportunities for creative industries representatives, and project LOCAL FOODS is going to build a local foods support system. Total funding allocated under the specific objective 2.1 is over 319 thousands euros.
Two projects under specific objective 2.2 – Interprof and CCI & sustainability – will work to develop professional competencies of specialists working in two very different areas – health rehabilitation and creative industries. Other two of supported projects – Deploy-Skills and Initiation of WEBT – Latvian and Lithuanian partners will cooperate to improve vocational education programmes to match labour market needs. Allocation for the projects under this specific objective totals to almost 950 thousands euros.
In the priority 3 for the support of social inclusion as a precondition to territorial development 6.78 million euros are allocated to 21 projects meaning almost threefold financing increase compared with the 1st call.
Twelve projects under specific objective 3.1 will improve accessibility and efficiency of social services. The approved projects are: SUPER, ReSocialization, SocialLife, New Skills, Aging of Comfort, PEDAFAU, Lat-Lit SOS FGA. SocQuality, HealthyLife, risk-free, Safe City, ACCESSlife. The allocation for these projects is more than 5.368 million euros. That’s a threefold increase in supported projects compared to the first call when four projects were selected.
Further nine projects under specific objective 3.2 will improve living conditions in deprived communities and territories of 80 160 km2 of programme area, and their funding allocation reaches more than 1.413 million euros: Handicrafts, A different light, Sports activities, Igda vs poverty, OPEN UP, Youth empowerment, V-R communities, Unlocked potential and Create to remain.
Seven projects with a total budget of 3.07 million euros were selected in the priority 4 targeted at improvement of efficiency of public services by strengthening capacities and cooperation between institutions. They will aim to improve public order and safety (Police K9, Safe borderlands, VideoGuard, SCAPE, and All for safety), healthcare services (Hospitals for CBC), and increase capacities in the area of preservation of the wooden architecture heritage (DEVHERI).
Projects were approved by the Monitoring Committee during its meeting on November 27 – 28th in Birštonas, Lithuania.
During 1st call for proposals 41 cooperation projects with a maximum of 20 862 958 euros financing were selected earlier this year.
List of approved 48 projects within the second call for proposals can be viewed here.
To see the list of Decisions of the Meeting please click here.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10