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09 July 2019
The Programme has received 91 project applications aimed at various activities in Latvia-Lithuania cross border region supported within three Programme priorities for the third Call for Proposals that ended today at noon.
In submitted applications there is a request for EUR 44,4 million co-funding of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), while the total available ERDF co-funding for this Call amounts to EUR 19,2 million.
Similar to the previous calls, most of applications (45) address the 1st priority “Sustainable and clean environment through cooperation”. Out of them the most popular proved to be specific objective No 1.1 “To increase number of visitors to the programme area through improving and developing cultural and natural heritage objects, services and products” under which 35 applications were received. The second most popular was 3rd priority “Social inclusion as a precondition to territorial development”. Both specific objectives No 3.1 “To improve accessibility and efficiency of social services” and No 3.2 “To improve living conditions in deprived communities and territories” proved being equally popular with 14 and 13 applications respectively.
Now the applications will go through the process of administrative, eligibility and quality assessment, that is being organised by the Programme’s Joint Secretariat. It is expected, that the Programme’s Monitoring Committee will make its decisions on the selection of projects at early 2020.
The third Call for Proposals was open for three months from 9 April 2019 to 9 July 2019. Applicants could submit project application within 3 out of 4 Programme priorities.
The overall objective of the Programme is to contribute to the sustainable and cohesive socio-economic development of the Programme regions by helping to make them more competitive and attractive for living, working and visiting. The Programme will pursue its overall objective through the financial support granted to cross border cooperation projects contributing to its specific objectives.
Currently 87 projects of the Programme are being implemented and 3 projects have been completed.
Third Call’s application statistics:
Priority/Specific objective | Number of applications | ERDF requested MEUR |
1. Sustainable and clean environment through cooperation | 45 | 28,6 |
1.1. To increase number of visitors to the programme area through improving and developing cultural and natural heritage objects, services and products | 35 | 21,8 |
1.2. To increase integration and efficiency of environmental resource management | 10 | 6,8 |
3. Social inclusion as a precondition to territorial development | 27 | 8,3 |
3.1. To improve accessibility and efficiency of social services | 14 | 5,9 |
3.2. To improve living conditions in deprived communities and territories | 13 | 2,4 |
4. Improved quality of living through efficient public services and administration | 19 | 7,5 |
4.1. To improve efficiency of public services by strengthening capacities and cooperation between institutions | 19 | 7,5 |
Total | 91 | 44,4 |
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10