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    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

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    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

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    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

LLI-464 Development of the joint cross-border heritage tourism product “SUN ROUTE” (SUN ROUTE)

One common road (A8) connects Jelgava, Joniškis and Šiauliai. They are part of ancient SUN LAND (Saules zeme/ Šiaulių žemė) which still keeps unique common cultural and natural heritage with high economic potential for tourism.

Objective of the project is to increase the number of visitors and overnight stays in cross-border area which links together Jelgava city, Šiauliai region and Joniškis city by developing new joint tourism offer “SUN ROUTE” with common sun theme.

SUN ROUTE will link together different tourism objects, sites and attractions having common sun theme as one joint tourism offer of Šiauliai and Zemgale regions.

Four season-specific sub-routes of SUN ROUTE will be created: winter, spring, summer and autumn, promoting all year round travel and exciting journey opportunities not just in summer, but as well in the tourism off-season.

Interactive solutions, such as interactive videos, 3D, will be used allowing tourists to experience the spirit of cultural heritage through augmented reality and to attract tourists in bad weather conditions and in tourism off-season.

QR codes will be used to allow tourists to get information about SUN ROUTE objects through their smart phones.

Social media and contacts:
Phone: +371 63005487
Address: Lielā iela 11, Jelgava

31 May 2023

Finishing project “SUN ROUTE” implementation activities

In order to enrich the existing tourism supply in the region, a diverse tourism offer was created within the framework of the project No LLI-464 “Sun Route” bringing together various sun-themed attractions, promoting the common cultural and natural heritage of Jelgava and its surroundings, the city of Joniškis and the Šiauliai Region.

Around twenty different sub-routes are suitable for groups of students, families with children and individual travelers, in all seasons – spring and summer, autumn and winter. The route includes nature trails and parks, heritage buildings, museums, expositions, environmental objects, farms and information about tourism service providers. An interactive map was created in which, depending on the time of year, the number of travelers and the desired duration of the tour, it is possible to choose the route that suits the individual, as well as choose the places to visit by creating an individualized route.

Various interactive solutions have been introduced to offer tourists the opportunity to enjoy cultural heritage virtually in an exciting way, as well as to promote tourist attractions in non-seasonal and bad weather, including the city’s panoramic chambers in Jelgava St. Trinity Church Tower, displays, interactive stands with accessible information about the sights and travel routes included in the project, tailored for people with disabilities and blind people, as well as 3D solutions and virtual reality facilities in the city of Joniškis offering virtual tours. To ensure that tours were available to a larger audience at the same time, mobile audio equipment for tour guides was purchased. For the convenience of city visitors to St. Trinity Church, a solar-powered multipurpose service point with USB connections and power rosettes to charge gadgets, Wi-Fi, and a bike first-aid kit has been built in the tower’s rear. In addition, 14 new tourism signs have been installed in the city of Jelgava to help visitors discover the attractions they are looking for.

The facade and interior renovation works of the Joniškis Tourism and Business Information Center have been carried out for the provision of quality tourism services, furniture and technical equipment have been purchased, 3D equipment for offering virtual tours, as well as the Šiauliai Tourism Information Centre has restored technical equipment and furniture for the needs of the Tourism Centre, thus offering a quality and modern environment in the customer service area for city guests. A tactile map was placed in the city that allows blind people and people with mobility difficulties to feel and familiarize themselves with the main objects of the “Sun Route” project in the city of Šiauliai and understand the scale and shapes of the sightseeing sites. Installed in the city of Šiauliai, two interactive solar-powered benches will provide an opportunity for city guests and residents to use Wi-Fi, charge smart devices, among other options.

In order to promote the visibility and sustainability of the established tourism route, significant marketing measures have been implemented within the framework of the project – TV advertising spots have been developed and broadcasted in local mass media, social media, as well as advertising materials, including a tourism offer booklet in Latvian, Lithuanian, English and Russian languages, for use in tourism exhibitions and other events of different scale. Travel advertising measures have been performed for local media and tourism agencies. In addition, seminars and training were organized for public relations specialists and representatives of the tourism industry on topics promoting tourism competitiveness and digital marketing highlights, as well as an exchange of experience trip for representatives of project partners to Sweden.

On May 30th, 2023, the final conference of the “Sun Route” project took place, in which A. Ravins, chairman of the Jelgava State City Council, as well as representatives of partners involved in the project and representatives of the tourism industry participated, in order to gather the results achieved and discuss future project development vectors, as well as to present the project implementation related challenges.

Project objective: to increase the number of tourists and the number of overnight stays in the territory of the programme between the cities of Jelgava and Joniškis, as well as the Šiauliai region, by establishing a common cross-border tourism offer “Sun Route” with a unifying sun theme and promoting the visibility of the route as an attractive and interesting destination, which tourists would choose for multi-day travel all throughout the year.

Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania programme 2014-2020 project No LLI-464 “Development of the joint cross-border heritage tourism product “SUN ROUTE”  has been implemented in co-operation of the Lead partner, Jelgava local government institution “Central Administration”, Jelgava Regional Tourism Centre, Joniškis Tourism and Business Information Center (PP2) and Šiauliai Tourism Information Centre (PP3).

The total budget of the project: is 840,290.00 EUR. Of this, EUR 714,247.00 (85%) is European Regional Fund funding and EUR 126,043.00 (15%) is national funding (state budget grant and co-financing from partners).

Project implementation period: June 1, 2020 until May 31, 2023.

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30 January 2023

Project “Sun Route” at the tourism exhibition Adventur 2023

On January 27-29, 2023, 10th international tourism and active leisure exhibition “Adventur 2023” took place at the Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Center “Litexpo”, promoting tourism services and an active lifestyle.

Project partners Siauliai Tourism Information Center and the Joniskis Tourism and Business Information Center presented created joint cross-border route “Sun Route” to the visitors of the exhibition, inviting to introduce with newly developed route that winds through all seasons and connects the cities of Šiauliai, Joniškis and Jelgava and its surroundings.

Around twenty different “Sun Route” sub-routes are suitable for groups of students, families with children and individual travellers both in spring and summer, as well as in autumn and winter. The “Sun Route” includes nature trails and parks, cultural and historical buildings, museums, expositions, environmental objects, farms and tourism service providers. It also provides an opportunity to see, learn, feel, experience and taste the charm of Latvia and Lithuania and explore the historical crossroads, get to know the cornerstones of industrial growth and look into the sophisticated life of the noble court, experience the rituals of the ancient Baltic people and go on an unprecedented taste adventure.

The aim of the project is to increase the number of tourists and overnight stays in the program area between the cities of Jelgava and Joniskis, as well as the Siauliai region, by creating a joint cross-border tourism offer “SUN ROUTE” with a common solar theme and promoting the recognition of the route as an attractive and interesting destination that is chosen by several tourists day trips throughout the year.

The total budget of the project: is 840,290.00 EUR. Of this, EUR 714,247.00 (85%) is European Regional Fund funding and EUR 126,043.00 (15%) is national funding (state budget grant and co-financing from partners).

Time of project implementation: from June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2023.

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27 January 2023

Continuing project No LLI-464 “Sun Route” implementation activities

In order to increase the number of tourists and overnight stays in the territory of all the cities involved in the project, Jelgava local government, as project lead partner continues implementation activities of the project “Development of the joint cross-border heritage tourism product “Sun Route” (Sun Route)”.

Offering the guests of Jelgava city to enjoy cultural heritage in exiting way and promote the attraction of tourists also in tourism off-season, several interactive solutions have been implemented within the project in Jelgava: two interactive outdoor stands have been purchased and installed – one near the tower of the Holy Trinity Church tower and another in the Post Island – where Jelgava residents and city guests may learn more about Jelgava, offered sightseeing objects, maps and other cultural activities. While for convenience of city guests a multifunctional service point powered by solar batteries has been installed in the courtyard of the Holy Trinity Church tower that is equipped with several USB connections and 12V power sockets for charging smart devices, Wi-Fi and repair kit for bicycles.

In addition to that two panoramic cameras and three surveillance cameras, two touch-sensitive solar screens were purchased and installed in the tower of the Holy Trinity Church tower. While on third floor there is one screen installed specially for the needs of people with disabilities. To ensure the operation of the screens and cameras, all necessary computer equipment (computers, server and software) were also purchased. For more convenient and qualitative organization of guide tours outside the premises a mobile audio system for tourist guides was purchased within the project, allowing to offer tours to a wider audience at the same time.

To increase the interest of tourists also project partners in Lithuania – Joniskis Business and Tourism Information Centre and Siauliai Tourism Information Centre – have enriched existing tourism offer by implementing planned project activities. In connection to that project partner in Joniskis have purchased and installed a tactile information stand for the convenience of visually impaired persons, which contains information about significant tourist objects. While to ensure the quality of tourism services, a simple repair works of Joniskis Business and Tourism Information Centre were carried out and also arranged purchase of necessary furniture and technical equipment (computers, printing equipment etc.). In order to offer virtual tours project partner has purchased 3D glasses. It is planned to purchase two interactive outdoor stands also in Joniskis city.

While to offer high-quality services and modern environment for city guests’ project partner in Siauliai has purchased a technical equipment (computers, servers, printing equipment etc.) and furniture in tourism information centre customer service area. Also in in Siauliai it is planned to purchase three tactile stands for the convenience of the visually impaired persons within the project. To enrich the variety of offered tours a mobile audio system for guides was purchased also in Joniskis and Siauliai city.

All project partners continue to work on development of joint cross-border tourism route “SUN ROUTE” which will combine various solar-related tourism, cultural and natural heritage objects, and sightseeing and recreation places. In order to promote its recognition in the regions and beyond, several route promotion activities are planned within the project, thus ensuring tourists’ interest in the regions of the cities involved in the project.

The aim of the project is to increase the number of tourists and overnight stays in the program area between the cities of Jelgava and Joniskis, as well as the Siauliai region, by creating a joint cross-border tourism offer “SUN ROUTE” with a common solar theme and promoting the recognition of the route as an attractive and interesting destination that is chosen by several tourists day trips throughout the year.

The total budget of the project: is 840,290.00 EUR. Of this, EUR 714,247.00 (85%) is European Regional Fund funding and EUR 126,043.00 (15%) is national funding (state budget grant and co-financing from partners).

Time of project implementation: from June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2023.

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17 July 2020

A new cross-border tourism offer “SUN ROUTE” will be developed in Jelgava, Joniškis and Siauliai cities

On July 8, 2020, representatives of Jelgava City Council, Jelgava Regional Tourism Information Centre, as well as Joniškis and Siauliai Tourism Centres met in the Tower of Jelgava Holy Trinity Church to start work on Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania programme 2014-2020 project No LLI-464 “Development of the joint cross-border heritage tourism product “SUN ROUTE” implementation activities. The project will run until May 31, 2022, and during its implementation it is planned to develop a new tourist routes, introduce different interactive solutions, as well as create a joint offer for all three cities thus attracting more tourists.

The aim of the project is to increase the number of visitors and overnight stays in the programme area by developing joint tourism offer “SUN ROUTE” with common sun related cultural and natural heritage objects. The total budget of the project is 840 290, 86 EUR, including EUR 714 247, 22 EUR (85%) of the European Regional Fund funding.

During the implementation of the project from June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2022, a joint tourism offer “SUN ROUTE”, having four sub-routes for each of the seasons, will be developed uniting various tourism, cultural and natural heritage objects, sights and recreation places related to the sun theme. And it is planned that the first major project event will be the Winter Solstice Festival in Jelgava in December 2021.

Implementing planned project activities, the tourism offer in Jelgava will be enriched by new interactive solutions – two panoramic cameras with touch-sensitive displays in the tower of the Holy Trinity Church, as well as two screens in the hall on the 7th floor of the tower, which will be specially adapted for people with special needs. The urban environment of Jelgava will be supplemented with two interactive stands – by the tower of the Holy Trinity Church and in the Post Island – where information about Jelgava, developed route, city sights, objects, as well as a city map will be placed for Jelgava residents and city guests. The city will also have eight new pedestrian and five car information signs. During the project, city guides will receive a new mobile audio equipment for excursions.

Joniškis and Siauliai tourism information centres will also get new equipment – furniture, cameras, as well as various interactive solutions. The environment of the two Lithuanian cities involved in the project will also be supplemented by new stands and information signs, as well as interactive stands and maps adopted for visually impaired and blind people.

By developing the new tourism offer, as well as promoting it, it is planned to increase the number of tourists in the project area by 5,000 by the end of 2022 and to ensure a further increase in the number of tourists by 7,000 by 2025.

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More articles

1. Developed new joint cross-border tourism product “Sun Route”, having 4 sub-routes of each season.

2. Introduced  interractive descirption of “Sun Route” and its objects linked witg QR codes for each toursim object in Jelgava, Siauliai and Joniskis.

3. Designed maps and brochures of developed joint cross-border “Sun Route”.

4. Implemented innovative ITC solution for Jelgava Holy Trinity Church Tower – panoramic city cameras, displays and IT system.

5. Introduced interractive IT solution for Joniskis tourism centre client reception zone.

6. ICT equipment – 2 personal computers for 3D virtual reality – for Siauliai tourism information centre to cimprove clients zone.

7. Restored furniture and equipment  for tourists service area in Siauliai and Joniskis Tourism information centre.

8. Puchased set of 3D glasses for the virtual reality video in Joniskis.

9. Created unified image (brand) of Sun Route.

10. Organized Winter, Autumn, Spring and Summer solstice public event to promote Sun Route and sun theme.

11. Purchased mobile audio system sets for tourism guides in Jelgava, Siauliai and Joniskis.

12. Organized digital marketing activities (promotional video, media tours, TV edaverts etc.) to promote Sun Route.

13. Puchased tactile equipment – 2 tactile information terminals, 1 tactile map, tactile layout of outdoor public space – in Sialiai and Joniskis city.

14. Purchased and installed interractive stands in Jelgava (Pasta Island and Holy Trinity Church Tower) for visitors.

15. Introduced simple repair works pf Joniskis Tourism information centre.


Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10