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  • Bringing neighbours closer

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    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

    About the programme
  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

LLI-64 Joint Eco Sign for Lithuania’s-Latvia’s Restaurants and Hotels in Cultural Objects (JESLL)

The expansion of cultural tourism over recent decades has played a crucial role in promotion and protection of tangible and intangible heritage world-wide. Two Baltic countries – Lithuania and Latvia – are also well-known for the countries’ cultural heritage objects (esp. mansions), little altered natural surroundings, resort traditions, and many other things.

Both countries have been demonstrating a huge interest in ecotourism and are emphasizing the need to protect cultural objects and to efficiently use regional heritage for the benefit of both countries and the EU in general.

The project „Joint eco-sign for Lithuania’s-Latvia’s restaurants and hotels in cultural objects“ which was implemented in Latvia and Lithuania from 2017 through the end of 2019, has developed and validated a methodology and labeling criteria of the eco-labeling system for hospitality businesses in heritage objects.

Twenty of the most beautiful heritage sites in Latvia and Lithuania, operating as hotels or restaurants have been awarded the opportunity to be called an eco-labeled company. At the end of the project, these sites met 42 criteria of 126 mandatory ones under the concerned eco-labeling scheme. Eco-label certificates were therefore awarded to the following heritage objects in Latvia and Lithuania:

Arendoles Manor

Kuldigas Manor

Jaunpils Pils

Kuksu Manor

Mezotnes Manor

Jaunmoku Pils

Skrundas Manor

Mazmezotnes Manor

Paliesiai Manor

Pakruojis Manor

Burbiškis Manor

Angel’s Mill

Kryžkelė Tavern

Šlyninkos Mill

Hotel Romantic

Michaelson Hotel

Babtynas-Žemaitkiemis Manor

Raudondvaris Manor

Hospitality Complex “Monte Pacis”

Užventis Manor

Project results, methodological and educational materials have contributed to the increase of tourist arrivals as well as their visit duration to the newly labelled cultural heritage sites in Lithuania and Latvia. Eco labelled hotels expected 277 849 guests and visitors during the project period 2016-2018.

The newly introduced eco-sign have raised and will continue raising the standards for restaurants and hotels in cultural heritage areas.  For encouraging hotels and restaurants to start more friendly business and to introduce them to sustainable business principles, some educational materials were developed. The project partners expect that new hotels and restaurants will make use of the materials in the future to promote protection of heritage objects as well as to promote local culture various products of the objects.

Project partners have created a Cultural Heritage Trail. It covers the most exciting Latvian and Lithuanian heritage sites, which are providing unique hospitality services and have been attributed with special eco sign tree.

Results of the completed project will undoubtedly benefit visitors and/or consumers of hotel and restaurant services, and will increase the countries’ competitive advantage.


More information – Eglė Ližaitytė, 370 686 51148

Project „Joint eco sign for Lithuania‘s and Latvia‘s restaurants and hotels in cultural objects“, No. LLI-064 (JESLL).  The project was carried out according to the Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020. The ERDF support was EUR 43437.27. The total budget was EUR 51102.67. Leading partner – Lithuanian Hotel and Restaurant Association, Project Partner – Latvian Hotel and Restaurant Association.



Social media and contacts:
Phone: +370-686-51148
Address: Vytenio St. 9, Vilnius, Lithuania

15 April 2018

LLI-064 Antrasis partnerių susitikimas

Įvyko antrasis projekto partnerių, kuriančių vieningą eko ženklą paveldiniuose pastatuose įsikūrusiems viešbučiams ir restoranams, susitikimas.  Projekto Nr.   LLI-064

2017 m. lapkričio 6-8 d. Rygoje  vyko antrasis projekto partnerių susitikimas, kuriame išgryninome kuriamos ženklinimo sistemos pagrindinius aspektus ir kriterijus.  Viešbučiams, restoranams, kurie vykdo atsakingą verslą ir siekia išsaugoti kultūros paveldo autentiškumą, o kartu ir patrauklumą lankytojams, tenka nemaži iššūkiai. Jiems tenka mokytojų ir švietėjų vaidmuo, jiems svarbu išsaugoti ne tik architektūrines vertybes, bet ir jas supančią aplinką, gamtą. Svarbiais kuriamos ženklinimo sistemos aspektais bus taupus energijos išteklių naudojimas, prieinamumas, bendravimas ir bendradarbiavimas su vietos bendruomenėmis, regioninių, autentiškų patiekalų ir gėrimų gaminimas, komunikacijos ir rinkodaros aspektai.

Šiame susitikime savo patirtimi dalijosi ekspertas iš Švedijos, p. Jan Peter Bergkvist .Aktyviose diskusijose dalyvavo projekto partneriai iš Latvijos “Jaunpils pils” ir “Kukšu Manor House”.  


Projektą Joint eco sign for Lithuania‘s and Latvia‘s restaurants and hotels in cultural objects pagal 2014-2020 m. INTERREG V-A Latvijos ir Lietuvos programą vykdo Lietuvos viešbučių ir restoranų asociacija ir Latvijos viešbučių ir restoranų asociacija.

Šį projektą finansuoja Europos Sąjunga.

2014–2020 m. Interreg V-A Latvijos ir Lietuvos bendradarbiavimo per sieną programa siekia prisidėti prie darnaus programos teritorijos vystymosi padėdama jai tapti patrauklia ir konkurencinga vieta gyventi, dirbti ir apsilankyti.

Šis straipsnis parengtas naudojant Europos Sąjungos finansinę paramą. Už šio straipsnio turinį atsako Lietuvos viešbučių ir restoranų asociacija. Jokiomis aplinkybėmis negali būti laikoma, kad jis atspindi Europos Sąjungos nuomonę.

Kontaktinis asmuo projekto įgyvendinimo klausimais:

Projekto vadovė Eglė Ližaitytė, 8 686 51148

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During the project new and joint Eco-sign system for cultural objects has been created and implemented. This project is unique in worldwide, because of its focus on cultural heritage objects only. New Eco-labeling system represents 11 aspects of sustainable business, 128 evaluation criteria, of which 42 are mandatory. There are 20 project partners involved, from the most beautiful, and state protected buildings in Latvia and Lithuania. All of them operate as accommodation or/and restaurant businesses.

The system consists of 126 criteria divided in 11 Aspects of sustainability. 42 of the criteria are mandatory and hence a pre-requisite for being able to participate. All mandatory criteria must be met to achieve the certificate.

Businesses must meet two additional supplementary criteria each year. Year two the business performs a new assessment and in addition at least one supplementary criteria per aspect is to be met. Year three the business performs a new assessment and now in two more supplementary criteria per aspect are to be met.

The system is built on self-auditing with a demand to openly display the result.

Once a business meets all mandatory criteria (year one)  and after the check on site it can freely use the logotype.

To become eco sign attributed property, hospitality business, located in heritage objects,  fills the application  form  and  signs a contract with a basic commitment.

Also  Cultural Heritage routes has been launched as inspirational guide for the  visitors to further explore the rich history and tradition of the region, covering most exciting Latvian and Lithuanian heritage places, providing unique hospitality services and attributed with special eco sign tree. To find hints to Baltic cultural heritage trails  here and detailed description of cultural heritage trails

To get aware of sustainability principles read educational presentation

To read project broschure to make You an exciting heritage journey towards the sustainable future here


Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10