25 November 2020
Project No. LLI-344 Social Life “crossed” the finish line
On 30th October 2020 the final Project No. LLI-344 “Social partnership – integration of socially vulnerable people into community life” (Social Life) conference took place – the project partners successfully crossed the finish line of the project, which took more than two years to implement. Although the conference, considering the threat of COVID-19 and the existing restrictions, was held remotely, it did not prevent the representatives of the partners from Pakruojis (Lithuania), Rundale and Iecava (Latvia) municipalities who participated in the conference to enjoy the successful cooperation of the partners and the achieved results of the project.
Thanks to the financing of the European Regional Development Fund, the quality of social services provided in three social institutions of Pakruojis, Rundale and Iecava municipalities has been significantly improved:
- new social service – home care service – was created in Rundale municipality and during the project implementation service was provided to 20 persons;
- new subdivision of Linkuva Social Services Center has been established where respite services for the elderly will be provided. Furniture, equipment and a modern multisensory room equipment required for the subdivision work were purchased from the project budget;
- improved infrastructure and material base of Linkuva social services center, Iecava and Rundale municipalities social services departments: specialized vehicles needed to serve persons, technical aids, furniture and equipment for physiotherapy room and music rehabilitation premises were bought, as well as kitchen furniture with household appliances, sewing machines, tools and other small appliances needed to organize activities for socially vulnerable persons were purchased;
- 12 social inclusion measures were implemented: 3 educational activities (lessons for family members of persons with mental dis-functionalities, severe illnesses, a cycle of activities for the elderly, for persons with addiction and co-addiction problems, training of craft acquisition and life skills), 8 social rehabilitation activities (respite and massage services, drama, art therapy and multifunctional light, sound, sensory therapy, relaxation therapy for multi-child families, physiotherapy and physiotherapy, summer camps) and socio-cultural events.
The main aim of the project was to improve accessibility and efficiency of social services in Pakruojis (Lithuania), Rundale and Iecava (Latvia) municipalities for social inclusion of vulnerable groups – it was planned to involve 600 socially vulnerable people in the project activities. The evaluation of the achieved results revealed that the result was exceeded – during the implementation of the project more than 800 socially vulnerable persons benefited from more accessible, efficient social inclusion measures and new social services.
It is obvious that without high-qualified specialists working in the social field it would not be possible to achieve such good results, therefore investment in human resources is equally important – to ensure the efficiency of social services, project partners organized 8 joint seminars in which specialists learned how to strengthen their motivation, manage stress while working with clients. Specialists also learned how to work with persons with mental disabilities and with their family members and how social service providers can improve seniors’ life quality. 7 specialists participated in a study visit in Sweden – they visited Swedish social institutions, where they got acquainted with it’s best examples in the social field.
“This project had a significant impact on both the social vulnerable persons who participated in the project activities and the staff of the social institutions. We really felt the benefits. We all interacted with project partners. In order to ensure the continuity of the project and extend such friendly communication between specialists and project participants, from our own funds we plan to continue the most popular activities carried out during the project – we agreed with partners to organize joint summer camps for participants and seminars for employees”, said Daiva Rutkevičienė, Head of the Social Welfare Department of Pakruojis District Municipality Administration (Deputy Project Manager).
The project was implemented in accordance with Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020. Total projects size is 447 391, 61 Eur. Out of them co-funding of European Regional Development Fund is 380 282,87 Eur.
More information about the project can be found at:
Pakruojis District Municipality website: http://www.pakruojis.lt/index.php?2071087570
On the website of Rundale Municipality: http://www.rundale.lv/aktualie-projekti/sociala-partneriba-sociali-neaizsargato-cilveku-integracija-sabiedribas-dzive
On the website of Iecava Municipality: https://iecava.lv/lv/pasvaldiba/projekti/
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Pakruojis District Municipality Administration and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
Link to Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020 website www.latlit.eu.
Link to the official website of the European Union www.europa.eu .
Contact person: Lina Mikolaitytė, Deputy Head of Strategic Development and Construction Division of Pakruojis District Municipality Administration (Project manager), e-mail lina.mikolaityte@pakruojis.lt, phone +370 652 72032