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  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

    About the programme
  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

LLI-408 Regeneration, development and maintenance of public territories with environmental problems (LandCLEAN)

The objective of the project is to regenerate public areas with environmental problems in Birzi (LT) and Dobele (LV) and to develop them into recreational areas. It is planned to eliminate contamination in the area of 1,38 ha in Birzi and 3,46 ha in Dobele.
The project foresees exchange of know-how with Kotka city in Finland as well as two cross-border conferences in Birzi and Dobele on maintaining and developing of green areas.
People living close to contaminated sites and 1/3 of inhabitants of both cities, who currently lack green territory for recreational purposes will benefit from the project.

Social media and contacts:
Phone: +371 63707269
Address: Brivibas st. 15, Dobele, Latvia LV-3701

30 September 2020

Completed the last activity within the project “LandCLEAN” LLI-408

Directorate of Biržai Regional Park during implementation of the project “Regeneration, development and maintenance of public territories with environmental problems” (No. LLI-408, LandCLEAN), carried out an auxiliary farm purpose building, changing the purpose to another purpose, Rotušės str. 10, Biržai, reconstruction works. Reconstruction work began on 16th of March 2020, the works were completed on 25th of September 2020.
Reconstruction works included demolition of an old building, installation of foundations, plumbing, sewage, electricity, masonry, roofing, installation of windows, doors, gates, facade insulation and finishing, interior works, land works, management of technical documentation and transfer of the object to use.
Detailed archaeological excavations were also carried out in the area.
After the reconstruction works and during implementation future projects, it is planned to store exhibits in the new building, to install an exposition or an educational classroom.

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25 September 2020

Conferences in Dobele and Birzai passed successfully

Project “Regeneration, development and maintenance of public territories with environmental problems is close to finish.
On September 23 and 24, the last joint events of the partners were held – the conference “Revitalization of territories with environmental problems and development perspectives in the public and private sectors” in Dobele and the conference “Adaptation of degraded objects to public needs” in Birzi.
Due to the difficult border crossing conditions during the spread of Covid 19, the participants of the Latvian conference in Dobele were personally present – 40 different Latvian development and spatial planning specialists, construction specialists, economic managers had the opportunity to get acquainted with the knowledge and experience of a wide range of specialists and also to get acquainted with the achievements of other municipalities within the framework of the INTERREG program for 2014-2020. The conference was provided online for 24 Lithuanian participants with translation into Lithuanian.
In turn, the project partners – the Directorate of the Birzai Regional Park – on September 24, remotely organized a conference for all participants, in which 17 specialists from Latvia and 43 from Lithuania took part. Were widely presented examples of the development of degraded areas in the public and private sectors of both partner countries

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The objective of the project to regenerate public areas with environmental problems and to develop them into recreational areas is achieved.

Territory of 3.46 ha in Dobele (Pļavas 3) has been cleaned from contamination. Territory improvement, including construction of a public toilet, lighting, 10 benches, paths, a fountain and amphitheater on the revitalized territory is finished. Amphitheater is used for public events – concerts, performances, flash mobs and sports trainings.

Old garages near Biržai Regional Park administration building were teared down and new extension of exhibition hall has been built to host mineral collection. Also area (1.38 ha) on Basanavičiaus g. was cleared of the old foundation and landscaped with paths and 3 benches. Installed one informative stand.

People living close to the sites and 1/3 of residents of both towns benefit from the project.

Two art workshops for children in Biržai, LT and Dobele, LV was organised with the following exhibition in order to inform the public about the new objects created in the project.

Two cross-border conferences increased knowledge about developing of areas with environmental problems, contributed to cross-border cooperation to acquire, accumulate and apply this knowledge. Presentations in Latvian and Lithuanian can be found here:. –

Partners got acquainted with and gained experience in brownfield management in the city of Kotka (Finland), shared the gained experience in both conferences, where representatives of more than 10 institutions from Latvia and Lithuania participated.


Informative stand in Biržai (renovated area 1,38ha)

New exhibition building in Biržai

Participants of art plain air in Dobele

Partners exchange of experience in Kotka(Finland)

Children art plain air in Biržai

Cleaned and improved area in Dobele (3,46 ha)

Last updated: 03.03.2025 19:20