Bringing neighbours closer
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Date: 24. May 2018 - 25. May 2018
Time: 12:00 am
Kraslava, Latvia
The following 4 two-days thematic security meetings will be organized for 20 representatives of 4 Latvian and Lithuanian law enforcement authorities:
1) the threats of terrorism, the devastating role of sects, cybersecurity and cybercrime, hybrid war, other risks to national security;
2) fight against smuggling, illegal movement of excise goods;
3) illegal immigration, preventive measures in the border areas, cross-border cooperation;
4) Use on the newest technologies for the Law Enforcement Authorities, innovations at the state security, police work, border safety. Searching an information and checking the Internet, testing of computer systems, mobile devises etc. Data analysis. Problems of criminal procedural laws connected with use of information technologies.