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29 March 2019
A derelict multi-appartment dwelling building has been pulled down at Ugāle, Ventspils County.
A derelict multi-appartment dwelling building was demolished and pulled down at Ugāle, Ventspils County. The building stood unoccupied and deserted for almost 13 years, since after the gas explosion in 2002 it had become dangerous for the inhabitants. The territory is also being cleaned from the building waste.
The work is carried out implementing the infrastructure investment acitivity within INTERREG V A Latvia – Lithuania Cross – Border Cooperation Programme project “Life in Clean Environment – a Better Future !”
The possibility to pull down the derelict building turned up after Ventspils County Municipality joined Kurzeme Planning Region’s project which was approved to receive EU funding support.
Five storeys building was finished in 1976. The building is pulled down and the territory cleaned by “Santa – Alianse”, ltd., according to the contract signed after the public procurement procedure was finished. Costs of the work are EUR 140 004,11 including VAT.
It is planned to complete the work till July, 2019. After the construction is pulled down, the territory of 5223 m2 will be cleaned from waste and put in order. Inhabitants of Ugāle will gain clean, safe and tidy living environment.
For a long time Ventspils County Municipality had cherished plans to pull down the dangerous contruction, however, they could not afford it due to shortage of municipal budget means. Now thanks to Latvia – Lithuania Cross – Border programme support plans have become true and the problem is finally solved.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10