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13 July 2020
Public equivalent body hospital “Ģintermuiža” celebrated the opening ceremony – in project no. LLI-365 “Development of Social Services and Social Inclusion Measures for Vulnerable Groups (ACCESSlife)” has created a Garden of sensation in the territory of the hospital.
This garden is a special environment – here will be implemented a process of social inclusion for project target group. The activity is unique because it is the way of social rehabilitation for group at risk – persons with mental disorders in this environment will gain a “transition space” from institutional isolation to society, the opportunity to combine medical services with reintegration into society, which will significantly improve quality of life.
The construction of the infrastructure was performed by SIA “Smart Energy” according to the construction project of SIA “Komunālprojekts Jelgava” – a fountain, a trail of sensations with various natural materials and boulders, arranged environment around the pond, built a viewing area and a bridge, built a stage and a wooden bench for spectators.
The total cost of the Garden of Senses is 284 557, 09 EUR, of which ERDF co-financing – 151 203, 47 EUR
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10