Bringing neighbours closer
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06 February 2018
Starting from today, 6 February, visitors of the popular shopping mall “Europa” in Vilnius will have an opportunity to see an exhibition of photos made by two famous Latvian photographers Ilmārs Znotiņš and Jānis Deinats, which is organised to highlight the 10th anniversary of the Latvia-Lithuania Programme. The photo exhibition will be displayed on the 1st floor of the shopping mall “Europa” till 19 February.
Last summer the photographers visited 16 project supported by the Programme in Latvia and Lithuania. The artists had captured their impressions how the projects have changed lives of people in local communities in cross border regions. The photo exhibition will be displayed also in other locations in Latvia and Lithuania.
Latvia–Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme contributes to the sustainable and cohesive socio-economic development of the cross-border regions by helping to make them more competitive and attractive for living, working and visiting. Since the approval of its first generation by the European Commission in December 2007 more than 107,8 million EUR funding has been awarded to 219 projects.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10