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30 May 2018
On May 30 this year, in Preili Latvian and Lithuanian partners signed a contract for the implementation of project LLI-349 “Development of eco-tourism by using water resources in Latvia and Lithuania” (LEARN ECO TRAVEL). The project is implemented with a view to developing the attractiveness of the region by jointly improving tourist recreational places at water sites, creating new eco-tourism products and services, thereby increasing the number of visitors.
The functions and responsibilities of the managing partner of the project are carried out by Preili Municipality Council. The project partners are Riebini Municipality Council and Aglona Municipality Council in Latvia, Anyksciai and Moletai District Municipalities, Panevezys Municipality and Sartu and Grazute Regional Park Directorates in Lithuania.
The project focuses on promoting environmentally friendly travelling and educating society on eco-tourism. In collaboration with the Latvian and Lithuanian institutions and tourism professionals involved in the project, new common tourism routes will be developed, which will also be suitable for people with disabilities. To increase the understanding of natural diversity of water objects, it is planned to develop an interactive mobile application for water quality determination.
The recreational sites at water will be made more attractive and accessible to people with special needs, by purchasing the necessary inventory and equipment, including a beach wheelchair and a custom boat, as well as a water hall mower, pontoon and sludge pump in Preili Municipality.
Professionals of the municipal tourism industry and entrepreneurs involved in the project will have opportunity to complement their knowledge of eco-tourism in seminars and trainings. Pupils will have the opportunity to participate in two adventure camps – this year from July 15 to 22 in Aglona and next summer at Grazute Regional Park. Four tourism festivals will take place – this year on August 4 to 5 in Riebini Municipality Rusona Parish, as well as in Panevezys, Preili and Grazute Regional Park.
The project “Development of eco-tourism by using water resources in Latvia and Lithuania” (LEARN ECO TRAVEL) No. LLI-349 is implemented with the support of the Interreg V-A Latvian-Lithuanian programme year 2014 – 2020 from May 2, 2018 until November 1, 2019. The total cost of the project is EUR 618 194,06, the co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund – EUR 525 464,95 and the co- financing of the project partners – EUR 92 729,11, including the co-financing of Preili Municipality – EUR 24 973,20.
More information about the project: www.latlit.eu or www.preili.lv.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10