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Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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11 November 2022
Interreg VI-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2021–2027 will open its first call for proposals on 28 November 2022. The call will end at 17.00 29 March 2023.
For detailed information, please download summary on the requirements of the first call for proposals.
Applications can be submitted under all four priorities of the Programme:
I. Capacity building and people-to-people cooperation,
II. Green, resilient and sustainable development,
III. Fair and inclusive society,
VI. Economic potential of tourism and heritage.
The Programme area
The Programme area includes Kurzeme, Latgale and Zemgale regions in Latvia and Klaipėda, Telšiai, Šiauliai, Panevėžys and Utena counties in Lithuania.
The project partners
The eligible project partners must be registered legal bodies that are national, regional or local public institutions, public equivalent bodies or non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
Each project must have at least one Latvian and one Lithuanian project partner.
One of the project partners must be appointed as the Lead Partner.
ERDF co-financing and total project budget
The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) will provide 80% co-financing to the projects. Each project partner will have to ensure 20% own contribution to the project.
29,175 mln. EUR from ERDF is allocated for projects.
The maximum size of the project budget is different, depending on which Programme priority the project will apply for:
Programme priorities | Max. ERDF, EUR | Max. total budget, EUR |
I. Capacity building and people-to-people coop. | 250 000 | 312 500 |
II. Green, resilient and sustainable development | 600 000 | 750 000 |
III. Fair and inclusive society | 500 000 | 625 000 |
VI. Economic potential of tourism and heritage | 600 000 | 750 000 |
Please note there will be additional limitations to the size of the project budget if the Lead Partner is NGO:
total project ERDF
≤200 000 EUR |
Lead Partner’s budget. |
total project ERDF
>200 000 EUR |
Project duration
The maximum project duration will be 24 months.
Payments to projects
There will be no advanced payments to projects.
The payments to the projects will be made on a reimbursement basis.
The project partners will have to report on their progress and expenditures every six months.
Technical documentation for (re)construction
If the project includes (re)construction works, technical documentation prepared in accordance with national legislation will have to be submitted with the project application.
The applicants will have to submit their project applications via the Joint Electronic Management System (JEMS) within the call duration but not later than the closing time of the call. Please note that JEMS will start operating only after the call is opened. The JEMS will be available here: https://jems.latlit.eu
Support to the applicants
The first call for proposals will be opened in an online event on 28 November 2022. The Programme will announce and open registration on the website of the Programme www.latlit.eu.
The Joint Secretariat will organise information seminars for potential applicants in January–February 2023 in Latvia and Lithuania. Later, we will provide more information on the dates of the seminars and how to register for them on the Programme website.
The Joint Secretariat will also organise individual consultations for applicants within the duration of the call. But please note that we will not be able to assess your application at the project development stage.
Information on www.latlit.eu
The website of the Programme www.latlit.eu will be the primary source of information for potential applicants.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10