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Delegation of Lithuania in the Monitoring Committee of Interreg Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020:
Ms. Deimantė Jankūnaitė | Head of Territorial Cooperation Programmes Unit of European Union Investments and International Programmes Department of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania |
Ms. Sonata Dumbliauskienė | Adviser of Mayor of Lazdijai District Municipality |
Mr. Kęstutis Gusarovas | Mayor of Telšiai District Municipality |
Mr Darius Jasaitis | Mayor of Neringa Municipality |
Mr. Arnoldas Abramavičius | Member of Council of Zarasai District Municipality |
Mr Ramūnas Godeliauskas | Mayor of Rokiškis District Municipality |
Ms. Vaida Aleknavičienė | Deputy Mayor of Joniškis District Municipality |
Mr. Gintautas Bartulis | Member of Council of Prienai District Municipality |
Delegation of Latvia in the Monitoring Committee of Interreg Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020:
Ms. Ilze Krieva | Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Deputy Director of Development Instruments Department |
Ms. Vita Prokopoviča | Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Senior Expert of Territorial Cooperation Unit Development Instruments Department |
Ms. Aiga Meri | Head of Project Department of Kurzeme Planning Region Administration |
Ms. Iveta Maļina-Tabūne |
Head of Latgale Planning Region Administration |
Ms. Anna Builo-Hoļme | Project Manager of Development Unit of Zemgale Planning Region Administration |
Ms. Līga Sičeva | Projects Coordinator of the EU Projects Department of Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
Mr. Oskars Zuģickis | Coordinator of Southern Latgale NGO Support Centre |
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10