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29 January 2024
Project aim – improving tourism infrastructure of the Struve geodetic arc points in Latvia and Lithuania, to make the cultural heritage accessible and attractive to be included into the cross border and international tourism routes.
Project Specific Objective 1
Improvement of basic and cognitive tourism infrastructure of the Struve geodetic arc sites.
There have been investments made in three Struve Geodetic arc station points (Jakobstadt, Storiai and Daborkalns) and one exhibition on the unique technological structure.
Struve station points are now more accessible to tourists to approach them on foot using the erected paths up the hill (in Daborkalns) or across the wet area (in Storiai), by cars and tourist couches at the Struve park and Sala. The Struve station points are equipped with the basic tourism infrastructure (benches, waste bins, bicycle stands, tower-visitors’ deck in Sala), as well as cognitive tourism infrastructure ( information boards in Sala, technical appliances for playground needs in Struve park) installed, modern technical appliances for cognitive needs of the Struve geodetic arc for the exhibition in Anyksciai, an educational film on the Struve Geodetic arc made. As the result of the investments the society now benefit from 3 improved Struve sites that would make a perfect cross border cognitive tourism destination longer than one day.
The objective of the activity was achieved – 3 improved Struve sites (Jakobstadt, Storiai and Daborkalns) and one exhibition on the unique technological structure.
Project Specific Objective 2
Development and promotion of the international cognitive tourism route
During the project international cognitive tourism route “The Struve geodetic arc” was developed, by involving 4 countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland). Participants of the project had organized test trip to search for partners in Finland and Estonia and after developed international route. Tourism campaign “Explore the Struve sites!” consisted from a lot of different activities including marketing activities.
The objective of the activity was achieved – International cognitive tourism route “The Struve geodetic arc” was developed and promoted. During the tourism campaign 604 participants visited Struve geodetic sites, during the whole project – more than 3 000 visitors (Jakobstadt, Daborkalns). Taking into account that the Storiai Struve point was officially opened in the last month of the project, the amount of the reached target group would be more.
The tourism route created in the project will be updated and offered to tourists also after the implementation of the project.
Regultion of the tourism campaign
Project Specific Objective 3
Investments in sustainability of the developed international tourism route “The Struve geodetic arc”
In order to ensure sustainability of the developed international route “The Struve geodetic arc!” 20 tourism professionals (guides, employees of municipal tourism information centers, territorial planners, museum employees, the Struve site managers) of 3 partner organizations were trained on the history of the Struve geodetic arc and scientific achievements of the geomatics and astrology. After the tourism campaign the partners organized an evaluation conference to consolidate the project results, drawed conclusions on the success of the campaign. Formed cooperation between different institutions to promote the new tourism route.
The objective of the activity was achieved – 20 trained tourism professionals on the history and measure how to attrack more tourists.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10