Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VDU ŽŪA)
Description: Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VDU ŽŪA) is a state institution of higher education providing studies and conducting research in the fields of food sciences, agriculture, forestry, water and land resources management, bioenergy and mechanical engineering, climate change and sustainable use of natural resources. VDU ŽŪA community creates and disseminates scientific knowledge, sincerely striving for safe and healthy food and full-fledged living environment for every citizen of Lithuania. Scientists at VDU ŽŪA carry out research in the fields of sustainability of agro-ecosystems, organic and sustainable farming systems, soil quality, soil tillage, biodiversity, catch and cover crops, green manure, soil and crop interaction, crop rotations, precision agriculture, etc.
Organisation type: Public equivalent bodies
Organisation’s work area: Kaunas
Organisation’s thematic objectives: Sustainable and clean enviroment
Phone number: +370-68543622
E-mail: vaclovas.boguzas@asu.lt
Address: Studentu 11, Kaunas, Lithuania
Website: www.vdu.lt