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17 September 2018
Last week, on September 13, “Coffee with Expert” event took place in Saldus . It is a great pleasure, that this event has already been held for the 15th time. At this time, all around and about financial opportunities, as well as answers to participants’ questions, gave Anita Pedane, Member of the Management Board of PMF Group Ltd.
PMF Group specializes in attracting European Structural Funds and other financial instruments, managing investment projects, modernizing production facilities, promoting sales and exports, and implementing other business development activities in various areas of economic activity. The PMF Group has 9 years of experience and more than 50 successful projects.
At the seminar talked about sources of information, also for starting a business. It is important to understand where and how to look for them. All EU fund support programs were also discussed, so, that we can understand, what exactly can we expect and get from these programs. It was also talked about project preparation processes, most important evaluation questions, as well as the project evaluation process. It was very interesting to listen to the most common mistakes made when writing a project.
Thank’s all the participants, who found time to come and, especially, thank’s Anita Pedane!
Meet in another our upcoming Coffee with Experts!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10