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06 December 2018
The sixth and the last “Be involved” seminar in the framework of ReforB project was conducted in Daugavpils University, which celebrates more than 90 years of providing high-quality education. Participants from six Latvian and Lithuanian regions came to the event to listen to all kinds of entrepreneurs – starting from those who only have a business idea and ending with those who have been successfully running their companies for a substantial period of time. As usual, the seminar was held in 4 sessions.
The first speaker was Artūrs Čipats, the Chairman of the Board of the construction company “Builder Industry”, which now employs more than 50 persons and paid more than 100 000 EUR in taxes in 2017. Artūrs demonstrated entrepreneurial skills already during university years. He moved to Daugavpils because of his future wife and decided to open a hotel 2.5 years ago. Then, the entrepreneur spent one year examining statistics and demand. “Why don’t you study hospitality business?” – he said to his spouse.
The second speaker was Jans Rimvids-Mickevčs, a co-owner of “EU-Trader” – a wholesaler of electronic devices throughout the EU. He started entrepreneurial activities at the age of 14, when he was buying broken phones, repairing them and selling at a higher price. “I am a real patriot of Daugavpils, – he said enthusiastically, – and I have always had a burning feeling that I must create something.”
The third speaker was Valerijs Efimovs, the Chief Technical Officer of ZIEGLER GmbH production plant in Daugavpils. As an example, the plant produces spare parts for Mercedes cars, trailers for Moghome by Mercedes and camper shells that can be put on top of various cars by those who enjoy travelling in the wild nature. Importantly, interior design of the trailers and camper shells, which resemble homey little apartments, was also created by Daugavpils staff.
During the 2nd session, representatives of newly-established companies presented their businesses, including achievements made and challenges faced.
“Movement is life” is a motto of Alexandr Podyava, whose life has always been connected with sports. His club “Intense Fitness” in Daugavpils offers a variety of trainings, including martial arts, qigong, TRX and functional workouts.
Eduard Kirpichev is an owner and a Manager of a popular café/bar in Daugavpils – “Ezītis Miglā” or “Hedgehog in the Fog”. The business operates according to a franchise agreement and belongs to a network of 11 “Hedgehogs” in Latvia, most of which are located in the capital.
Arnis Celitāns tackles a social and economic problem of youth unemployment with the help of a mobile app “Partly”. The app links households that need someone to help them with daily tasks with young people who wish to earn extra money.
During the 3rd session dedicated to potentially successful start-ups, Olesja Sobolevska presented her project “Wastethic” (ethical waste), which deals with wise usage of thrown away clothing, including establishment of a clothing recycling plant.
During the last session, an interesting business case from another country was considered. Anton Jevtiuchov told about his company “LitWild”, which offers extreme, recreational and romantic tours in the Aukštaitija region, Lithuania.
All presentations and speeches delivered during the seminar were very inspiring and informative for the participants. Moreover, the speakers were inspired by the audience as well. When leaving the event, everybody felt that there is something important waiting for him or her in the future.
Information about project: https://www.facebook.com/LLIReforB/; www.reforb.eu
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10