Bringing neighbours closer
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05 December 2017
International Trade and Achievement Exhibition “Siauliai 2017” was held in Siauliai on the 30th of November – 2nd of December. Companies, organizations and craftsmen from Lithuania and foreign countries presented their products, services and latest works.
National Regions Development agency participated in the exhibition and invited visitors to escape from the everyday life and follow Baltic culture. The agency presented the project International cultural route “Balts’ Road”. Visitors of the exhibition were able to virtually travel in territories that were inhabited by Baltic tribes, to feel the breath of lynx and make friendship bracelets according to tradition. A clothing collection by “Juoste” which reveals beauty and subtlety of Baltic culture was presented in the agencies stand. This collection helped us to create a pleasant atmosphere reflecting Baltic culture. Each day of participation was full of laughter, smiles, good emotions. Visitors of the exhibition expressed great interest in the project International cultural route “Balts’ Road”.
One of the project activities is trainings for smaller entrepreneurs and craftsmen. During the International Trade and Achievement Exhibition “Siauliai 2017” we invited small business to become ambassadors of the International cultural route “Balts’ Road”. In the spring of 2018 all ambassadors will be invited to participate in trainings where Baltic culture and cultural tourism will be presented. Participants will improve their communication skills, find out how to properly their company, service or product and how to attract more visitors from all over the world. After the trainings the Ambassadors will be able to become visible on the map of the International cultural route “Balts’ Road”.
The contents of this information are the sole responsibility of NRDA and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10