Bringing neighbours closer
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28 September 2018
Current business simulation game took place on an unusually hot autumn day, 19 September 2018, in Daugavpils. Six teams containing players from six different Latvian and Lithuanian cities met in a modern audience of the Daugavpils University to emerge into the reality of a production company “PlayGame”. Before the battle, the players invented names for their teams: Fantastic Six, Quizzers, Life is a Game, Starting 6, Super Team and LARROM. The bright sun cheered them up from large panoramic windows and the game began.
This time, project partners prepared a game about a manufacturing company “PlayGame” offering three board games: Memory (Memo) Game, “Create your fairy tale” Game and Port of Riga Quiz. The participants had a chance to hold the games in their hands and even play them for a short while. Afterwards, a story behind the company creation was revealed.
More information:https://reforb.eu/business-simulation-game-on-production-in-daugavpils/
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10