Bringing neighbours closer
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02 January 2019
The 8th business simulation game dedicated to services took place on 13 December 2018 in Jelgava at the Faculty of Economics and Social Development of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Players from six Latvian and Lithuanian regions met in an auditorium named after professor Kazimirs Špoģis.
Participants were divided into six teams and got their first task – to come up with a team’s name and a slogan. The players successfully passed through the first stage and in just 25 minutes all teams and their mottos were presented:
1) 7 stars – Serving the best with the best.
2) Latuva – Two friends may have different culture, behaviour and thoughts, but live in one friendship.
3) Slow Turbo – Maybe we are slow and shy, but our business will always be fine.
4) Blowminders – We will blow your mind.
5) 5 senses – You will have everything you need.
6) Equality – Every person matters.
Afterwards, the players got acquainted with a business of a beauty parlour that had recently been established by three friends: Ivo, Vilius and Luna.
The highlights of the event were comments of an invited expert Valdis Janovs, who is extremely experienced in entrepreneurship. Valdis emphasized the importance of considering the financial aspect while generating new ideas and making decisions.
Information about project: https://www.facebook.com/LLIReforB/; www.reforb.eu
13 December 2018
Date(s) - 13. December
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics and Social Development,
Business Simulation Game is an activity carried out for a group of people broken down in teams. Every team represents a
business and has to go through a set of tasks imitating real-life situations most newly-established companies face. Over the
course of the game, team members will have to take decisions that will help their business grow into a successful one. Every
team will have representatives both from Latvia and Lithuania.