Bringing neighbours closer
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27 June 2018
4-10th June, 2018, 40 business oriented students age 11-19 from Pasvalys and Bauska and 18-19 Project mentors-teachers and librarians participated in business summer camps. Even though both camps were organized at the same venue – farmstead “Pušų takas“ were all participants lived together near each other, had breakfast, lunch and dinner together, the main project activities (except cultural activities in the evenings) were organized separately. The camp for mentors was aimed to deepen the knowledge about mentoring, motivation and business whereas the camp for children and youth was oriented not only to theoretical elctures about business thinking but also to active activities- excursions around the district of Anyksčiai, visit of Anykščiai Art Incubator as well as group activities, work and teams.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10