Bringing neighbours closer
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07 September 2020
Administration of Akmene District municipality (LT) in cooperation with Akmene District School of Arts organised 5-day camp for disabled children and young people in Akmenė in a project „ACCESSlife“ (LLI-365). More than 50 participants, their accompanying persons and specialists for camp from project partners (Dobele County municipality (LV), public equivalent body hospital “Ģintermuiža”(LV), Kedainiai social care home (LT), Administration of Akmene District municipality (LT) and Klaipeda Pedagogical Psychological Service (LT)) participated in the camp „Growing with heart“ from 17/08/2020 to 21/08/2020. The main activities of the camp involved therapy activities using music instruments and other artistic techniques. Exhibition of works and a concert in Akmene Culture Center was organised on 21/08/2020, where participants of camp took part by showing what they have learned during camp.“
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10