Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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25 June 2019
Last week, on June 20, framework of the event “Coffee With Expert”, started Stage 1 of the Financial Skills Cycle. Together with their field professional, financial advisor and business coach, Ilgvars Skrīvers, the participants were introduced to the basic principles of financial skills. The key is to be aware and understand what your current financial situation is, what the risks are, and what more needs to be done to move things forward – to your financial well-being. The road is long, small steps go, but workable.
The second phase will take place tomorrow, June 26, at. 17:00. Saldus, Avotu Street 12, where you’ll find out:
Types of making money;
How to design your own financial plan (strategy);
How to do it practically.
If you also want to improve your financial situation – nothing is missed, apply, come, find out and meet tomorrow!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10