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27 May 2021
The project No. LLI-338 “Paradigm shift from “traditional” to creative industries – the essence for sustainable regional development” (CCI & Sustainability) has been successfully completed by the team of Latvian – Lithuanian project team. Kuldīga District Council was the lead partner, whereas Klaipeda Culture Communication Center (Klaipeda Council), Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts, as well as The Centre of Competency Based Professional Education Liepaja Music, Art and Design Secondary School acted as project partners.
Aim of the project was to unite the institutional and administrative resources of the project partners in order to establish a new educational platform in the field of creative industries, which would allow to foster knowledge and skills of area’s labor resources according to labor market needs. Based on observations of the needs in the labor market, our economies experience the tendency to migrate from the so called traditional industries to the creative. Therefore, CCI & Sustainability addressed the issue of improving such knowledge and skills of labor resources, which lead to improved creative thinking, management and communication competences, as well as the skills of working with multimedia, ICT and prototyping tools and equipment.
Improvement of area’s labor market skills is a joint challenge for the whole Programme area, and it is also one of the most important resources for regional development. During the Project, an educational programme was delivered to almost 200 participants, as well as modern equipment was purchased for the project partners’ workrooms, auditoriums and studios. Thus the Kuldīga District Council was able to purchase a set of 3D prototyping tools and devices for woodworking, the Klaipeda Culture Communication Center and the Liepaja Music, Art and Design Secondary School acquired new multimedia and ICT equipment, as well as new textile machines, whereas the Nida Art Colony modernized its wi-fi and internet resources and purchased furniture for seminars and conferences. The educational programme delivered within the scope of the Project, offered its participants to learn new knowledge and skills in the areas of service design, user experience (UX), presentation skills and multimedia content creation etc. Public lectures’ and exhibitions’ programme was made available to wider public.
The project No. LLI-338 “Paradigm shift from “traditional” to creative industries – the essence for sustainable regional development” (CCI & Sustainability) was implemented with support of Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020. Total budget of the project was EUR 220 193,06 including ERDF financing EUR 187 164,08.
* This information is prepared with European Union financial support. The content of this information is entirely under the responsibility of Kuldiga District Council, and in no circumstances can it be considered an official position of the European Union.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10