Daugavpils Psychoneurological Hospital

Description: Daugavpils Psychoneurological Hospital is one of the oldest mental institutions in Latvia ensuring mental health of the state inhabitants. Hospital mission To improve mental health of the state inhabitants, continuously develop, to ensure a high professional culture in compliance with the principles of equality, to provide treatment services for patients with mental disorders, satisfying their needs, enabling them to receive state-guaranteed good health care services, the quality of which corresponds to the level of socio-economic development of the country, to provide patients with adequate conditions for functioning, stigmatization and integration into a society. Hospital Objective In order to provide high-quality health care services for patients with mental disorders, improving the quality of provided health care services, cost-effectiveness and accessibility of services, the main objective of health policy is reached - mental healthcare that meets EU standards, ensuring qualitative survival.
Organisation type: Public equivalent bodies
Organisation’s work area: Latgale
Organisation’s thematic objectives: Social inclusion
Phone number: +371 29 354 115
E-mail: artyom.makhlin@gmail.com
Address: Liela Darza str. 60/62, LV-5417, Daugavpils, Latvia
Website: www.dpns.gov.lv