Bringing neighbours closer
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05 March 2024
An international tourism route development was based on the scientific achievements of the XIX and XX centuries to attract tourist to the Struve geodetic sites, included those that are listed in Unesco World heritage. The activities are targeting at potential tourists (foreign, local and cross border) that are eager to learn and explore the history of science, try out adventure and are ready to explore unknown sites.
Struve Geodetic Arc is immortalised and presented to the international community at 34 selected points. Protected points: Norway – 4, Sweden – 4, Finland – 6, Russia – 2, Estonia – 3, Latvia – 2, Lithuania – 3, Belarus – 5, Moldova – 1, Ukraine – 4. All the points of the Struve Geodetic Arc included in the World Heritage List have been immortalised by installing monuments with the UNESCO World Heritage logo and descriptions of the object next to them, while educational materials have also been prepared.
Taking into account the location of the points of the Struve Geodetic Arc in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland, the following routes are offered to visitors:
2-day route, visiting Lithuania and Latvia: Paliepiukai, Meškonys, Storiai, Gireišiai – Jekabpils, Daborkalns, Sestu-kalns, Nessaule-kalns.
3-day route, visiting Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia: Paliepiukai, Meškonys, Storiai, Gireišiai – Jekabpils, Daborkalns, Sestu-kalns, Nessaule-kalns – Senoji Tartu observatorija, Simuna-Võivere.
5-day route, visiting Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland: Paliepiukai, Meškonys, Storiai, Gireišiai – Jekabpils, Daborkalns, Sestu-kalns, Nessaule-kalns – Senoji Tartu observatorija, Simuna-Võivere – Oravivuori.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10