Bringing neighbours closer
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15 November 2021
The project Digital Cemetery (LLI-437 “Improvement of efficiency and availability of administrational cemetery management services in cross border regions of Latvia and Lithuania”) moves forward with real confidence: on Lithuanian side in Biržai all of the planned digitalization works are already done: in total 58 ha of the cemeteries managed by Birzai district municipality are digitalized. The Latvian side has finished the digitalization process as well: Rundale, Iecava and Nereta has digitalized in total about 70 ha of the cemeteries. Now inhabitants can easily find the burial place of the relatives and friends.
The main aim of the project – to simplify administrative procedures, related to issuing permits for burial – is also almost reached. The administrational service providers are improving skills and gain appropriate knowledge, getting used to the system and learning to work with it. After trainings and experience exchange among project partners, capacity of administrational service providers will be improved and informational campaigns to inform inhabitants about new possibilities of cemetery managements, issue of permits for burial and digital cemetery maps will be organized in Birzai, Rundale, Iecava and Nereta municipalities. This will make cemetery management more effective, as getting permission for burial in family graves, allocation of new graves, permits for reconstruction of graves, and identification of persons buried in the cemetery of close relatives will be faster and simpler. Project will result in more accessible and efficient local administrative services in Birzai, Rundale, Iecava and Nereta municipalities.
Results to be achieved in the project:
Overal Project budget: 485 054,92 EUR (including ERDF co-finance 412 296,66 EUR).
This information has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this information are the sole responsibility of Biržai district municiality administration and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10