Bringing neighbours closer
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14 November 2022
Working with young people on the street it is a new social service in LT and LV. There is a gap in practical knowledge and experience how these social services should be organized and supplied. During the project implementation new social service “Work with youth on the street” will be introduced and there for preparation of recommendations / instructions for providing this service/requirements and instructions for specialists/organizational model will be purchased by Siauliai city municipality and after it`s preparation adapted by Jelgava local government. Very usually happens that legal acts are adopted and methodologies are prepared, but they don’t work properly in daily work or in practice. During this project a methodology was be prepared and piloted by social workers from Šiauliai and Jelgava. Social workers organized their work according to the prepared methodology and pilot it. Social workers writen reports about the shortcomings of methodology, about their recommendations for methodology changes or additions. In the end reports and gained experience of social workers used in preparation of the final methodology version.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10