Bringing neighbours closer
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17 May 2022
On 12th of May the educational trip to Dubingiai horse farm took place, where 15 children with special needs from Visaginas, Dagda and Molėtai participated.
The children visited the “Mini Zoo”, where deer, fallow deer and mouflons, beautiful alpacas, ponies and mini horses are bred, mini goats and sheep graze, fast-legged ostriches are bred, and peacocks walk proudly. The participants of the trip saw up close how a modern stable and a playpen with a unique structure were built. After visiting the stable, the children had the opportunity to ride horses in the playpen.
Everyone had fun together, chatted with colleagues, discussed future plans, and returned home full of impressions and positive emotions.
Dėl papildomos informacijos prašome kreiptis į Iriną Morozovą, morozova.projektai@gmail.com
Daugiau informacijos apie Latvijos – Lietuvos bendradarbiavimo apibus sienos programą galima rasti www.latlit.eu ir www.europa.eu.
Šis straipsnis parengtas naudojant Europos Sąjungos finansinę paramą. Už šio straipsnio turinį atsako Visagino „Verdenės“ gimnazija. Jokiomis aplinkybėmis negali būti laikoma, kad jis atspindi Europos Sąjungos nuomonę. www.latlit.eu ir www.europa.eu.
Projektą finansuoja 2014-2020 Interreg V-A Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10