Bringing neighbours closer
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20 September 2022
My Sea Campaign in Palanga attracted not only a large audience of local people and tourists – but the event was also filmed by a team of journalists who came to Lithuania specifically to meet the ESMIC project.
Smart Regions at Euronews TV covers European projects with high added value for European citizens and for the planet. Smart Regions is distributed in 155 countries and 7 languages. For the 6th season of the show, the most interesting projects have been pre-selected, including ESMIC.
On a 100-meter-long section of the beach, the team and volunteers found 736 pieces of litter. This is the anti-record of the entire My See Campaign in Lithuania so far. On the same-sized stretch of beach in Karklė, 358 pieces of litter were found, and 344 pieces of litter in Melnragė I.
During the observation, there was no algae wrack found on the shore, so a comparison could not be made for the proportion of litter in this substance and in the nearby sand. However, the excellent weather allowed for presenting the remote sensing methods used in the project and discussing the problem of beach pollution.
More observations: 76% of all objects found was garbage made from artificial polymers. Plenty of cigarette butts (408 pieces were found).
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10