Bringing neighbours closer
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22 September 2017
On 16 September 2017, the Programme joined forces with other cross-border and territorial cooperation programmes in organising an open-air event in the very heart of Riga to celebrate European Cooperation Day.
An interactive showcase of various projects supported by Interreg and ENI programmes took place on Dome square that helped people discover the benefits of cross- border cooperation in Latvia, Europe and on its external border.
The visitors had an opportunity to see and test the equipment and machinery of Latvian and Lithuanian State Police and State Board Guard from the project “Synergy for Security” as well as see Latvian State Border Guard service dogs in action. State Fire and Rescue Service demonstrated vehicle acquired during Latvia – Lithuania cross border cooperation programme 2007-2013.
Likewise, wool recycling cycle with new interactive equipment was demonstrated and participants of the event had an opportunity to make dolls from yarn.
Four Hanseatic towns of Latvia (Cēsis, Limbaži, Straupe, Kuldīga) offered to try hand at some activities from Hanseatic times. For example, making coins, learn candle making and taste some specialties from that time.
During the event, a photo exhibition by two famous Latvian photographers – Jānis Deinats and Ilmārs Znotiņš – was opened. They visited various project sites in Latvia and captured the essence of projects through their artistic perspective. This exhibition supplemented with more project photos from Lithuania will be exhibited at Balts’ Unity Day in Palanga on 23 September.
The event was complemented by live performances of Daugavpils Latvian Cultural Center Orchestra “Daugava”, accordionists of Limbaži Music School and “Suitu sievas” – Latvian folk singers that helped celebrate territorial cooperation by different music genres coming together.
The European Cooperation Day was celebrated for the sixth time. This year, like every year, special attention is paid to the importance of cross-border cooperation and good neighbourly relations. For more information on the European Cooperation Day, please visit www.ecday.eu
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10