Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 22. September 2018
Time: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Jelgava, Latvia
Ģ. Eliasa Jelgava History and art museum, Latvia
9.00 – Registration of participants. Coffee
9.30 – Opening ceremony of plate that is located near the museum. Plate is dedicated to Jelgava male gymnasium students – Lithuanians who in 16th of September 1918 signed the act of Lithuania’s independence.
10.00 – 11.45 Scientific conference “Common and different in culture history of Latvia and Lithuania”
1. Latvian and Lithuanian language: common and different
2. Archaeological culture. Local features in Eastern Europe’s archaeological cultures context
3. Ethnography. Traditions and its mutual interaction in Latvia and Lithuania border regions culture context.
4. Latvian and Lithuanian different roads to statehood: historical experience and challenges.
Each lecture 20 minutes
13.30 – Art festival “Balti” opening of painting plenary exhibition
13.45 – Concert by Lithuanian Choir ( Museums hall)
10.00 – 15.00 Traditional Craftsman’s market
11.00 – 15.00 Culture programme (dance collectives, chapel musicians )
Creative workshops (Education department)
Costume demonstration (Jelgava craft school)
Lithuanians and Latvians traditional cuisines
Traditional attire from Latvia regions. Project “Katram savu tautas tērpu”
Sports activities
12.00 – 12.45 Opening ceremony of “Balts’ Unity Day”
• Jelgava secondary school no 4 brass orchestra parade programme
• Speeches by officials and organizations
• Nation anthems ( Lithuanian and Latvian)
• Singing. Choirs from Lithuania and Latvia.
13.00 Laying of flowers at J.Čakste (Latvia’s first president) monument
13.15 Lithuanian painters Exhibition opening (St. Trinity church tower)
11.00 – 15.00 Jelgava and Šiauliai art school students plenary – exhibition (Post island)
14.00 Art festivals “Balti” Sculptural pieces opening (Post island)
15.00 Ethnographic ceremony “Wedding”. Participates folklore bands from Lithuania and Latvia (St. Trinity church tower)
13.00 – 15.00 Workshop – Lithuanian national cuisines (Akademija street 25, Jelgava craft school)
12.00 – 15.00 Family day… workshop – basics of Lithuanian language and exhibition of literature “Explore Lithuania” (Jelgavas city Library, Akademijas Street 26)
Jelgavas St. Anna church
Music by Jānis Porietis (trumpet) and Ilze Reine (organs)
In programme music of Latvian and Lithuanian composers :Afr.Kalniņš, E.Dārziņš, R.Jermaks, R.Stivriņa, A.Altmanis and M.K.Čurļonis
17.00 Closing Concert “No vienas jūras, no viena koka….” (“From one see, from one tree) (Jelgava house of culture)
1. Part
J. Jančevska oratory “No letu zemes” (From lets land) Participates Jelgava Chamber Orchestra and Siauliai professional choir “Polifonia”. Story teller Zane Jančevska. Bandmaster Aigars Meri.
2. Part
Music by “Jelgava big bend” Bandmaster Raitis Ašmanis. Vocal Daumants Kalniņš (Latvia) and Gitas Paškavičus (Lithuania)
20.00 Art festival “Balti” – “Lighting of large format ceramic sculptures” (Post island)