Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 13. September 2021 - 15. September 2021
Time: 10:00 am - 5:30 pm
Bauska municipality, Latvia
3-day black ceramics masterclass during which participants will obtain knowledge and skills about ancient balts techniques of making ceramic items without pottery wheel. Masterclass will be held by artist Laura Matilde Ikerte. The historical background will present Normunds Jērums.
Target auditory: craftsmen and tourism service providers
September 13th-15th at Baltā māja, Pilsrundāle, Rundāle Rural Territory, Bauska Municipality
Masterclass will be held in Latvian.
by phone +371 29150388 or
mail: laura.arente@rundale.lv
More information: http://www.rundale.lv/notikumu-kalendars/melnasslapetasugunskeramikasmeistarklaseamatniekiemunturismapakalpojumusniedzejiemizzinibaltuslli447-9390-15e7c