Bringing neighbours closer
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Date: 16. June 2021 - 18. June 2021
Time: All Day
Meirāni, Latvia
From the 16th till the 18th of June, 2021 Jēkabpils City Library (Latvia) is organising camp “Two is a Family”, which is foreseen for single parents with children from Jēkabpils and its surroundings. It will be an entertaining and educative 3-day long camp for single parents with children. This social group does not receive any support from the state, does not receive any reliefs, that is why the project partner Jēkabpils City Municipality decided to organise such a pilot action. Jēkabpils municipal institutions have never organised anything similar so far.
During three days the participants will take part both in individual and group activities, conducted by the camp manager, pedagogues and lecturers-experts. Practical activities will be organised for parents (psychology, beauty care, planning of financing, cooking), and the children will spend time in sport and creative activities.
The venue: recreation and tourism centre “EZERNIEKI” in Lubāna municipality.