Bringing neighbours closer
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Date: 02. July 2018 - 06. July 2018
Time: All Day
Tērvete, Latvia
NGO “Tērvete Forest Educational Center” together with project partners is organizing a youth / children camp “Kopā Zemgalē” (Together in Zemgale).
Through the duration of the camp children will get acquainted with the natural and historical heritage of the cross border Zemgale land, traditions, culture and environment. They will participate in educational lessons about the forest in nature, environmental workshops, outdoor life activities together with scouts „Survival in Forest”, as well as go on exploratory hiking trips.
The gathering for camp participants starts at 9:00 till 10:00 at the Tervete Nature Park (Latvijas Valsts mežu dabas parks Tērvetē) tourism information center. For more information please contact: Ruta Vazdike at ruta.vazdike@gmail.com