Bringing neighbours closer
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Date: 12. October 2019
Time: All Day
Zaļenieki parish, Latvia
The second event is organized by Jelgava Local Municipality on October 12, 2019 at 9:30 near Ūzini village behind “Jekabnieki dairy” in Zaļenieki Parish. The River Svēte restoration and cleaning works will include the scrub clearing and moving of the riverbanks and cutting down the dead trees.
The second event on the River Svēte restoration activities with direct involvement of local inhabitants is organized in order to improve the landscape of the River Svēte with the aim to clean the banks of the river and enhance the river’s self-cleaning capabilities.
Everyone interested is invited to join in river cleaning and restoration activities, including landowners on the banks of the River Svēte. This time the work is organized on Saturday in order to have as many participants as possible. Each participant is welcome to have the appropriate clothing and bring suitable equipment e.g. work gloves, rubber boots, mowers, rakes, saws and axes.
To schedule the works, please contact by phone number 63048442 or apply online to the e-mail: kristine.beitane@jelgavasnovads.lv .
More about the event: