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Date: 25. October 2017
Time: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saldus, Latvia
Kurzeme Business Incubator in cooperation with Green and Smart Technology Cluster invites to apply for the October 25th seminar “Coffee with Expert” in Saldus. The theme of the meeting at this time is the LEADER project.
What is LEADER and how to use it in practice?
LEADER is a focused and mutually coordinated rural development activity that encourages the public to look for new solutions to existing rural issues. The essence of LEADER is to improve the quality of life of people in the countryside, thinking about economic, social improvements and environmental preservation opportunities.
Sandra Fridrihsone, Managing Director of the Saldus District Development Society, will tell about the LEADER project, the conditions for receiving support, the main goals, tasks and many other features of the project.
The event will also be attended by one entrepreneur who will share his experience with participamts with her success story in relation to the LEADER project.
Everyone who associates his future with business is invited to attend the event “Coffee with Expert. The purpose of the event is to encourage future entrepreneurs to take steps in their intended direction.
“Coffee with Expert” will take place on October 25th, at. 16:00, in Saldus, str. Striķu 2, in the premises of Saldus District Development Society (on the 2nd floor). Participation in the seminar: free! Registration for participation in the event , until 24th October this year, by sending a request to the e-mail: evita@greentechlatvia.eu or evita@kbi.lv. Coffee, snacks, questions and answers are waiting for you! The number of participants is limited!
“Coffee with expert” is part of the BEE Lab project (Boost regional Entrepreneurship by Enabling cross border cooperation. The project is co-financed by Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020.