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Date: 13. September 2018
Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Saldus, Latvia
Kurzeme Business Incubator in cooperation with association Green and Smart Technology Cluster and PMF Group, invites to apply for the September 13 seminar “Coffee with Expert” in Saldus. The theme of this time will be about how to use EU funds and other financial instruments to make your business idea a reality. Agenda here: Coffee_with_expert_13.09.2018
At the moment, there are available many different financial instruments, you just need to know where to look for them and how best to use them to make your dream of doing business and making it a reality. Increasingly, there is a need to think about attracting additional funding for sustainable business development and competitiveness.
Anita Pedāne, Member of the Board of PMF Group Ltd., will share about possibilities of attracting EU funds and other financial instruments, where to look for them, what is to be expected, what is the risk, and about the preparation and evaluation process, as well as practical advice. The aim is to provide practical knowledge on how to get EU funds money for themselves – from ideas to receiving money in a company account.
Everyone interested in the future, connected with the business, is invited to participate in the “Coffee with Expert” event. The purpose of the event is to encourage future and existing entrepreneurs to take steps in their intended direction.
“Coffee with Expert” will be held on September 13, at 4 PM, in the Saldus district council, in the new meeting room, Avotu 12. Participation in the seminar: free! Registration for participation in the event until September 12, by sending an request to e-mail: evita@greentechlatvia.eu. The number of participants is limited!
“Coffee with Expert” is part of the LLI – 157 BEE Lab project (Boost regional Entrepreneurship by Enabling cross border cooperation). The project is co-financed by Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020.