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Date: 27. July 2017
Time: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saldus, Latvia
On July 27, the Kurzeme Business Incubator in cooperation with the Green and Smart Technologies Cluster invites to participate in the event “Coffee with Expert”, in this time theme is how to turn a hobby into business.
When we begin to think about the possibility of turning aur hobby into a business, then the first one that comes to our mind – why not turn into a hobby to lucrative business. We each have some passion, hidden talents that we can start to use to gain additional financial benefits. When we are thinking about this topic, it makes us more active and search for the mountains in the world that have not yet been reached. It is necessary to use the time and opportunities that life gives, because what will change will exist!
Turning your hobby into business should be able to face a variety of issues, for example, whether you want to hobby everyday, whether it will be as sweet as before, with the financial side and many more and different things. But those who are mature to turn their hobbies into business and are ready for challenges has a great advantage, at least at an early stage, that precisely the passion helps overcome a large part of the problems. But of course, as an airbag, this step has an independent work place where you feel comfortable, every month you get your pay and in parallel you can practice your hobby. Before doing this, you need to evaluate specific goals and objectives, evaluate how much you want to earn and what costs will be.
With their experience and future plans about how to transform their own hobby into business, will share the owner of company SIA “Isti” Līga Rone – Cālīte and beekeeper, owner of company SIA “Meduspils” Janis Vainovskis.
At the end of the event, the interested people will have the opportunity to visit the Art Development Society “Ilizanna”, whose home is Kapelleru House, who will share their stories and experiences, how they made their heartfelt realizable and available to everyone.
Coffee with experts”, is an informal meeting of young entrepreneurs essential basic business elements. Everyone, who his future or everyday of life associated with the business, is welcomed to participate.
“Coffee with experts” will take place on 27 of July at. 16:00 Saldus JIC “Šķūnis” Lielā Str. 3b. Participation in the seminar: free! Check for membership to the event, until 26 July this year, by sending a request by e-mail: evita@kbi.lv. Coffee, snacks, questions and answers are waiting for you! Number of participants limited!
“Coffee with experts” is part of the project BEE Lab (Boost regional Entrepreneurship by Enabling cross border cooperation). The project is co-funded by the Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014 – 2020.