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Date: 29. June 2017
Time: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saldus, Latvia
On June 29 at. 16:00 Saldus JIC “Šķūnis” Lielā Str. 3b, Saldus, Kurzeme Business Incubator in collaboration with the Greens and the Smart Technology Clusters is organizing an informal meeting “Coffee with the experts.” Theme of the event is Self-employed person, or “Frīlanseris”.
In today’s economic conditions, more and more people want to become self-sufficient from employers. Part of professionals choose to work for themselves a convenient place and time and by the same set of quality standards for registration as a self-employed person, or frīlanseri the State Revenue Service (SRS).
Frīlanseri are self-employed, such as hairdressers, tailors, manicure / pedicure specialists, teachers / lecturers, consultants and other creative industries representatives based on their professional skills providing services to merchants. Frīlanseris is much more responsible not only for their own organization and accounting, but also for the payment of taxes and savings for a rainy day or retirement.
With his experience in the self – employed person world will share lecturer, business trainer Evija Ūpe , and entrepreneur, the world’s leading company The John Maxwell Team representative, a certified business coach, Jānis Janovskis.
After the event “Coffee with experts” interested parties will be able to visit SIA “ Conak Steel” factory, get acquainted with the production processes and the companys plans for the future.
“Coffee with experts”, is an informal meeting of young entrepreneurs essential basic business elements. Everyone, who his future or everyday of life associated with the business, is welcomed to participate.
“Coffee with experts” will take place on 29 of June at. 16:00 Saldus JIC “Šķūnis” Lielā Str. 3b. Participation in the seminar: free! Check for membership to the event, until 28 June thi syear, by sending a request by e-mail: evita@kbi.lv. Coffee, snacks, questions and answers are waiting for you! Number of participants limited!
“Coffee with experts” is part of the project BEE Lab (Boost regional Entrepreneurship by Enabling cross border cooperation), under which, in the summer, will also be held Business School for young people. All interested parties on the Business School for young people, we invite you to apply by sending a request by e – mail: evita@kbi.lv or info@kbi.lv . The project is co-funded by the Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014 – 2020.