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Date: 05. June 2018
Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Talsi, Latvia
Kurzeme Business Incubator in cooperation with association Green and Smart Technology Cluster and Talsi district municipality invites to apply for the June 5th seminar “Coffee with Expert” in Talsi. The theme of this time will be about how to get from a hobby to your own business.
More and more, in the surrounding community, it is noticeable that a a lot of people want to work and earn money for themselves, not for someone else. Often, in such cases, the roots of the business can be found in a hobby. It’s great if you can turn your hobby into a profitable business. What will be yours, you will undoubtedly, with enthusiasm, throw it all around in order to realize this dream and develop your business, and excitement is one that will help to overcome a lot of problems that will have to face. However, before turning into a business, you must carefully consider finances and whether the hobby will be as dear if it is done every day.
The role of experts will be felt and in their experience story about the company’s activities, development and future plans, as well as how to fulfill and achieve your dreams, will share the designer and manufacturer of wedding dresses Inga Ezergale and owner of “StoneHill” Diāna Šteinberga.
Everyone interested in the future, connected with the business, is invited to participate in the “Coffee with Expert” event. The purpose of the event is to encourage future and existing entrepreneurs to take steps in their intended direction.
“Coffee with Expert” will be held on June 5th, at 4 PM, in the Talsi District Municipality, 1st Hall of the Small Hall, Kareivju Street 7, Talsi. Participation in the seminar: free! Registration for participation in the event until June 5th, till 2PM by sending an request to e-mail: evita@greentechlatvia.eu or janis.znotins@talsi.lv. The number of participants is limited!
“Coffee with Expert” is part of the BEE Lab project (Boost regional Entrepreneurship by Enabling cross border cooperation). The project is co-financed by Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020.