Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 11. October 2021 - 17. October 2021
Time: 12:00 am
Raudondvaris, Lithuania
Seeking to promote unique culture and history traditions that are preserved in Kaunas and Bauska regions and to explore common similarities between intangible heritage, Raudondvaris Manor and Bauska Castle Museum will organize 7- day creative workshop.
The workshop will take place at Raudondvaris Manor in October 11th–17th. Team of 10 craftsmen of Kaunas district and Bauska region representing various crafts and arts such as ceramics, candles, amber, jewellery, wood, floristics, textile design will work together to create new educational program “Baltic treasure”. This will be common project output and attractive new tourism product available for visitors in Raudondvaris Manor and Bauska Castle Museum during the cold season in order to fulfill this time with qualitative activities.
During the workshop craftsmen team will share and realize their generated ideas for the new program, its souvenir and further implementation. Participants from Bauska will be invited not only to work, but also visit and get to know Kaunas district culture and nature objects.
Newly created educational program “Baltic treasure” will be the synthesis of crafts and participants knowledge. This new, original, interesting and attractive activity will allow tourists to learn directly about the regions and their traditional crafts and make souvenirs by their own hands. The special attention to ecology will be taken into account while creating the program, it’s important that materials used in education would be natural, eco-friendly. Target group of activity: local inhabitants and tourists (locals and foreigners). Program will be mainly available in LT, LV and preferably in EN. It is planned that the “Baltic treasure” will be presented to audience 40 times: 20 times in Raudondvaris manor and 20 times in Bauska castle during the 3rd and 4th periods of project implementation.
The workshop is organized by the project „Historic road: Raudondvaris-Bauska (LLI-498 HRRB).
Project partners: