Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
About the programme -
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Date: 25. January 2019 - 26. January 2019
Time: All Day
Ventspils, Latvia
By implementing the project we are willing to create new business opportunities in traditional industries in the Lithuanian-Latvian cross-border region by knowledge economy is driven promotion of youth entrepreneurship in accordance with “CREAzone”
methodology as well as build an alliance of stakeholders, who are determined to create long-term collaboration on the promotion of youth entrepreneurship.
Second phase – Pitch In
2 days training for generating of business ideas and assembling teams.
PitchIn will last for two days on January 25-26, 2019.
In the first day, participants will work for their business ideas. The second day will be Business Ideas and Team Contest.
Only 3-5 best teams will take part in the next stage.
All information provided on our website: https://reinvent.creazone.lt
Social media: https://venta.lv/creazone-reinvent-pitch-in-pasakums-ventspils-augstskola/