Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 23. February 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 1:30 pm
During this event expert from Switzerland Dr. Christa McArdell, will
join the event and give presentations regarding advanced WWTP.
As participant amount is limited, please write me (liena.freimane@kurzemesregions.lv) to get agenda and register link.
About the expert:
Dr. Christa McArdell, Senior scientist / group leader, Department
Environmental Chemistry, Eawag, Switzerland – Expert about contaminants
in wastewater treatment.
Research interests: Input and fate of organic contaminants, e.g.
pharmaceuticals, from urban settlements in the aquatic environment.
Wastewater treatment processes and strategies for the removal of organic
micropollutants in conventional and advanced treatment with ozone and
activated carbon, in decentralized treatment of hospital wastewater and
Development of analytical techniques for the determination of organic
pollutants and (ozonation) transformation products with LC-(HR)MS/MS in
sewage and ambient waters.
For more information about the project MEDWwater, please visit the following sites:
LV https://www.kurzemesregions.lv/projekti/vides-aizsardziba/medwwater/
LT http://apc.ku.lt/index.php/medwwater/
ENG https://www.kurzemesregions.lv/en/projects/protection-of-environment/medwwater/