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Date: 21. March 2019 - 22. March 2019
Time: All Day
Aulejas pagasts , Latvia
Latgale Planning Region invites representatives of Latgale region and Visaginas and Ignalina municipalities to participate in capacity building event – training for persons working with at-risk children and youth on March 21-22, 2019 in Krāslava district, Latvia. The aim of this training is to raise competence of persons working with at-risk children and youth and provide better understanding of this specific target group, as well as create network for exchange of information and best practice among professionals. This is the last training in the framework of the project.
The training is organized in the framework of Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020 project LLI-402 “Sports for Social Inclusion of At-risk Teenagers” (risk-free).
Latgale Planning Region invites municipalities of Latgale region and Visaginas and Ignalina municipalities to delegate a representative to these activities, sending information about the participant (name, surname, phone No. and e-mail) to e-mail: pasts@lpr.gov.lv by March 14, 2019. The number of participants is limited! Detailed information will be sent out to confirmed participants before the training.