Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 23. October 2018
Time: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Vitinu pagasts, Latvia
Catch crops are known for their environmental effects and a range of benefits their bring to the farm. The main objective of the project CATCH POLLUTION is to promote growing of catch crops by demonstrating their benefits and thus facilitate improvement of the environmental status in the rivers of Venta and Lielupe RBDs. The Project aims to help the farmer to select the most suitable catch crop for his particular needs.
In order to demonstrate benefits of catch crops and encourage farmers to include catch crops to their crop rotations, demonstration fields are be established in Venta and Lielupė RBDs. In the demonstration fields, catch crops selected by Lithuanian and Latvian scientists as the most relevant for local conditions are grown.
The project team invites all farmers and stakeholders to participate in informational field days, which will be organised in October 2018.
Field days in Latvia will be held:
In the Lielupė River Basin District: 23 October, 2018 in Vītiņi, Vītiņu pagasts, Auces novads..
In the Venta River Basin District: 30 October, 2018 in Dižstende, Lībagu pag., Talsu novads.
During the informational field days farmers will be introduced with variety of catch crops, growing technologies and benefits of it.
All events are free of charge. For more detailed information, please contact Solveigas Maļecka (tel. +371 294 59423 ; e-mail: solveiga.malecka@arei.lv).