Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 18. April 2023
Time: 10:00 am - 1:30 pm
In the frame of the EU funded project “Pharmaceuticals in wastewaters – levels, impacts and reduction, we invite you to attend our Project final event aimed to introduce with the project activities implemented within the project and achieved results. In addition to the project partners’ presentations, two experts will give their suggestions and share experience. Expert Michel Stapf will give us presentation – brief insights of the technical consultation for Lithuanian and Latvian wastewater treatment plants and expert Erki Lember will share his experience about available technologies to remove APIs from wastewater and sludge and related planning.
The Event will be held online on 18th of April at 10:00 am – 13:30 pm.
The Event will be in English, with simultaneous translation in Latvian and in Lithuanian.
Please register for the Event by following this link
Please find Event Preliminary Agenda in attachment.
Public event is organised in the frame of the EU funded project “Pharmaceuticals in wastewaters – levels, impacts and reduction” (acronym –MEDWwater, LLI-527) by Kurzeme Planning region and Lead Partner – Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology Agency of Daugavpils University and other Project Partners from Latvia and Lithuania – Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre, University of Klaipeda, State Agency of Medicines of Latvia, State Medicines Control Agency under the Ministry of Health of Republic of Lithuania.
Project aim is to increase the efficiency of pharmaceutical substances pollution management and to increase cooperation between governmental institutions and wastewater treatment plant operators.
For more information about the project, please visit the following sites:
LV https://www.kurzemesregions.lv/projekti/vides-aizsardziba/medwwater/
LT http://apc.ku.lt/index.php/medwwater/
ENG https://www.kurzemesregions.lv/en/projects/protection-of-environment/medwwater/