Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 22. March 2019
Time: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Rokiškis, Lithuania
Dear Project Partners. We are organizing a meeting with members of our cluster “Enterprising Library”. During the meeting, members of the cluster will present their businesses and share their experiences. The meeting will take place in the cafe “Old Count”. The cafe owner (member of the cluster) will present many Rokiškis producers and craftsmen, and the participants will have the opportunity to taste various products produced in Rokiškis region. At the end of the meeting, we will invite all participants to visit our newly created business support centre and Rokiškis manor house (regional museum).
More information and registration: rasavingeliene71@gmail.com, +370 61638688.